Sunday, February 17, 2013

LINCOLN (2012)

LINCOLN (2012)

RATING: 1.5/5

At the time of this writing, Steven Spielberg's LINCOLN has won numerous awards including BAFTA and Golden Globes as well as scoring 12 Academy Award nominations including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor for Daniel Day-Lewis. Not only that, the historical epic was widely greeted with (near) universal praises among top critics and viewers when it was released last November in the US. Even the US box office grosses was really impressive, which was currently sitting at $ 173.6 million against the modest $ 65 million budget. Now that the highly-acclaimed LINCOLN have finally reaches our local shore (which will be open nationwide on February 21), is the movie really that praiseworthy? I hate to say this, but LINCOLN has to be one of the most overrated movies ever made in recent memory. How this movie could have ended up such a praiseworthy historical epic is seriously beyond me.
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